Monday, February 9, 2009

Please Go Away

Our family has been going through times of being sick. I can't remember the last time that we have had so much sickness in our household. The only one that has been immune to it all is Kyla. Although she did feel a bit "woozy" Sunday morning at Church. She has had perfect attendance at school for the last two years, and I think she just wills herself well so that she won't miss school. Dylan woke up early Sunday morning throwing up and stayed home. I felt, not just right all day yesterday, but had LTC practice and preparation for "KFC" for Wednesday night that I needed to do. After church last night, I came home and got in bed. Cheryl has been not feeling good off and on for several days, kinda like me. It is weird, one day feel fine, next not so fine.
Even our dog is sick, he is going to the VET today at Dimmitt. Cheryl and I went to Canyon on Friday night to watch the Canyon girls and PD girls play. We meet Kenneth and Vicki Littelfeild there, they saved us a seat. We had a really great time watching the game with them, thanks, Kenneth and Vicki. Kyla stayed home with a friend. She called after we got out of the game and said, "this dog is pooping every where, yall get home!" We still had to go eat, it was a good time for her to learn some responsibility I guess. Anyway, the dog has had the "poops" all weekend and is going to the VET today. I gave him some peto pesmoal, but it did not seem to help any.
So I am ready for all the sickness to just "Please Go Away", you have visited our home for too long now, we or I should say "Cheryl" has cleaned up after you enough now, and we are tired of your visit, so please kindly "Go Away!"
I hope that your family has not experienced all of this like we have, I just know that I am tired of all of it.

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